Welcome! Please read the below listed Terms of Service (the “Terms”) carefully because they govern your use of intelworkai.com, Inc.’s (“intelworkai.com” or “our” or “we”) messaging and networking service and bots accessible via our website located at www.intelworkai.com (“Site”) and our mobile device application (“App”), that enables the access and use of (i) bots, (ii) instant messaging, sharing, networking and collaboration between individual consumer users (“Individual Consumer Use”), among members of discrete groups, such as teams within an organization (“Team Use”), and amongst individuals and teams across entire organizations (“Enterprise Use”), through a secure platform that gives users control over their privacy and content; and (iii) other services made available via the Sites or App from time to time. To make these Terms easier to read, the Site, our services (including but not limited to bots, messaging and networking, and other services) and App are collectively called the “Services.”

Agreement to Terms

By using our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, the use of the Services is not permitted. If you are accessing and/or using the Services on behalf of any company, organization or any association of individuals, such as partnership or unincorporated business entity, which may include your employer (“Organization”) or any other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind such Organization or other legal entity to these Terms. In such cases, “you” and “your” will refer to that company or other legal entity.

Changes to Terms or Services

In our sole discretion, we reserve the right to modify the Terms at any time,. In case of any such modification, the updated and/or modified Terms shall be uploaded on the Site and the App. For registered users, we shall provide a notification via email to the registered email ID. Please review the modified Terms Continued use of the Services after notification of the modified Terms, indicates that you agree to be bound by such modified Terms. If you do not wish to be bound by the modified Terms then you shall no longer use the Services. Because our Services are evolving over time, keeping in connection with the changing business and work environment, we reserve the right to change or discontinue all or any part of the Services, at any time and without prior notice, at our sole discretion.

Who May Use the Services

You may use the Services only if you are thirteen (13) years or older and are not barred from using the Services under applicable laws of the country from which you are accessing the Services.

If you want to use the Services, whether for Individual Consumer Use, Team Use, or Enterprise Use, you will be required to create an account (“Account”). You can do so via the Site or the App. You agree to keep your Account credentials accurate and up to date and that you shall not disclose your Account login credentials to anyone and you shall notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your Account. You will be responsible for all activities that occur under your Account, whether or not you know about such usage.

Using the Services

As part of our Services, Account holders may communicate with other Account holders with whom they are connected through the Services through the use of our direct messaging functionality. In addition to sending and receiving text messages, Account holders will be able to send and receive User Content (defined below), including content and multimedia files such as documents, photos and videos, as well as URLs, via our Services’ functionality. Account holders have the right(s) to control the messages they send through the Services. For example, Account holders can: (i) delay delivery of messages under certain circumstances for a specified time period, (ii) control who can see certain messages, (iii) impose forwarding, copying, saving, and screenshot restrictions (and trigger alerts when such events occur), (iv) control how long messages persist on the Services, and (v) recall messages so that the messages are no longer accessible through the Services. Additionally, Account holders can configure the Services in order to receive alerts or other notifications through the Services when certain events occur, and trigger certain actions in other systems in response. intelworkai.com offers three distinct versions of the Services depending on whether you plan to use the Services for Individual Use, Team Use, or Enterprise Use, and each version is available on both a free and a paid basis. For the Individual Consumer Use and Team Use versions of the Services, you can create your Account using either your personal email account or an email account associated with your employer.

Additionally, as part of our Services, Account holders may have the ability to access and utilize certain bots to the extent made available to such Account holders in intelworkai.com’s sole discretion. Bots are pieces of software that connect directly to enterprise and consumer apps, systems, websites, and more through APIs.

For organizations that pay for the Enterprise Use version of the Services, intelworkai.com allows each such organization’s members to access and use the Services via an email account associated with such organization (an “Organizational Account”). The Enterprise Use version of the Services includes an administration panel (“Admin Panel”) that enables designated Account holders from an organization (“Administrators”) to control that organization’s members’ access to and use of the Services through their Organizational Account. Administrators with permission(s) to login to the Admin Panel can view all activities engaged in by Account holders from their organization who have logged into the Services through their Organizational Account; control and manage such Account holders’ activities through the Services via their Organizational Account; organize and manage the data submitted by such Account holders through the Services via their Organizational Account; and control any messages sent by such Account holders via their Organizational Account. Also, if you are using the Individual Consumer Use or Team Use versions of the Services via an Account that is associated with your Organizational Account, and your organization later decides to purchase the Enterprise Use version of the Services, information on all activities you have engaged in through the Services since the inception of your Account will be accessible to your organization’s Administrators through the Admin Panel. So, if you are an Account holder logging in to the Services through your Organizational Account, please be aware that your activities under such Account may not remain private.

For our individual consumer users, from time to time, we may offer, and charge such Account holders for, certain additional features within the Services, such as the ability to add emoticons to messages sent through the Services (each such feature, a “Paid Feature”). You agree to pay us the applicable fee(s) for any Paid Feature(s) that you purchase through the Services. If you elect to purchase a Paid Feature, we or our third party payment services provider will either charge your credit card or other payment instrument on file or invoice you for your purchase, as applicable. Please note that in case of an invoice, the Paid Feature(s) shall be activated only after the invoice has been paid.


To the extent any portion of the Services is made available to you for a fee, you will be required to select a payment plan and provide intelworkai.com with accurate information regarding your credit card or other payment instrument(s). You will promptly update your Account information with any changes in your payment information. You agree to pay intelworkai.com the amount that is specified in the applicable payment plan in accordance with these Terms and any other terms associated with such payment plan, and you authorize intelworkai.com to bill your payment instrument on a periodic basis in accordance with such terms. All amounts paid are non-refundable and we reserve the right to change our prices in the future. If we do change prices, we will provide notice of the change on the Site or App and in an email to you at least thirty (30) days before the change is to take effect. Your continued use of the Services after the price change goes into effect constitutes your agreement to pay the changed amount. intelworkai.com may choose to bill through an invoice, in which case, full payment for invoices issued must be received by the specified date or the Services may be terminated. Unpaid invoices are subject to a finance charge of 1.5% per month on any outstanding balance, or the maximum permitted by law, whichever is lower, plus all expenses of collection. If you dispute any charges, you must notify intelworkai.com within thirty (30) days after the date intelworkai.com invoices you or bills your payment instrument, as applicable. You shall be responsible for all taxes associated with Services other than all applicable U.S. taxes based on intelworkai.com’s net income.


We welcome feedback, comments and suggestions for improvements to the Services (“Feedback”). You can submit Feedback by emailing us at info@intelworkai.com. You agree that all Feedback will be the sole and exclusive property of intelworkai.com and you hereby irrevocably assign to intelworkai.com and agree to irrevocably assign to intelworkai.com all of your right, title, and interest in and to all Feedback, including without limitation all worldwide patent rights, copyright rights, trade secret rights, and other proprietary or intellectual property rights therein. At our request and expense, you’ll execute documents and take such further acts as we may reasonably request to assist us to acquire, perfect, and maintain our intellectual property rights and other legal protections for the Feedback.

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